Sunday, May 6, 2012

Watching You Grow!

Dear Baby Holler,

We've seen you on ultrasound three times now, and you have grown so much!  It's fun to see how much bigger you are at each appointment.

The first time I saw you, Daddy was away at work.  You gave me a terrible scare the night before, and I was absolutely terrified that something had happened to you.  Terrified.  But within seconds of the ultrasound tech doing her thing, you popped up and she told me that she could see your heartbeat.  You were just a little bitty thing then...


Then your Daddy came home, and we got to see you at our regularly scheduled appointment, and we were so excited to see you were still in there, doing well!  He got to see you for the first time, so it was really special!  And even though it hadn't even been a week, you grew so much!  You even measured a couple of days ahead!


A few days later, we went back for a third ultrasound, and you measured right on track - still doing great!  We learned that you had been pretty busy in there...You grew hands!


Our next appointment isn't until May 24th....I am sure that you will blow me away with how much you've grown and I can't wait to see you again!  But in the meantime, because I miss checking on you, I bought a little something to make sure you're okay in there until I can see you again:)  More to come...


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