Friday, November 9, 2012

36 Weeks!!!!

Dear Baby Holler,

In just about 3 weeks, you will finally, FINALLY, be here!!!!

I have neglected the blog because, much to my surprise, the past few weeks have completely flown by, and I haven't had the time to post anything.  I had expected for the third trimester to drag on forever, but it definitely hasn't!  The good news is, we are pretty much totally ready for you.  In a week, you'll be full-term, and Daddy comes home 2 days after that, so I give you permission to come anytime you want after that.  I think you'll find it a lot more fun out here than inside there, so I'm hoping you'll consider coming out to see us on your own, and that we won't have to evict you on Dec. 2nd.

As a matter of fact, as cozy as you think it is in my belly, I think you're really going to enjoy your nursery and feel pretty at home in there!  It's finished - we just need you:)  I really love how peaceful it feels in there, and Daddy and I both like to just go in there sometimes for no good reason at all and look around for a minute.  We love it, and it makes us so excited for you to get here!

See?  We're all ready for you!  And wait until you see your wardrobe!  And your accessories!  I wanted all of your things to be as cute as possible, and here's a quick sneak peek of an example....Your pacifiers!

Your bling pacifier and one of the supercute ones with your name that Aunt Nat and Uncle Aaron got you!

And finally, one of the reasons that you're *just about* considered full-term is because you are BIG!  According to my favorite pregnancy app, this is what you have going on:

Yeah, you're 6 whole pounds!  You're officially a Big Girl!  So apparently, that's what you look like inside, and here's what you look like from the outside:

Excuse the pajamas!!!!

So that's our update from the outside, Baby Girl!  Don't be shy, okay?  We're ready for you whenever!!!



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