Saturday, May 26, 2012

NT Scan, Sigh of Relief, and a Tiny Penis?

Dear Baby Holler,

Yesterday we had your first trimester screening, the NT scan.  This is a pretty big deal.  I know that you have had about a million ultrasounds, and you're basically not even impressed with them anymore because it's old news to you, but this was as important as all of your ultrasounds combined.  We had to go to a Perinatologist, a fancy baby doctor, for the scan.  They took loads of measurements. Tons.  They checked you for everything under the sun, including any "red flags" for Down's Syndrome and brain or heart issues.  And you were perfect!  So we've pretty much been on cloud nine since yesterday, we're so happy that you seem to be totally healthy in there.

You were sleeping when the tech pulled you up on the screen.  And you were totally not in the position you needed to be for her to get important measurements, but you did not care.  You were busy sleeping.  Everything else can wait.  You get that from me.  When I am sleeping, and am getting bothered (usually by Daddy and a VERY persistent chihuahua that I have named "The Harasser"), I get so mad!  Sleep is a precious gift, Baby Holler.  I'm proud of you for already realizing that.  I'm glad I'll have a teammate.  You and me, The Sleepers, against Daddy and Frankie, The Harassers.  Soooo happy to not be outnumbered anymore!

But I digress.  Where were we?  Oh yes, you were stone-cold passed out.  The tech started poking and prodding you with the probe, trying to nudge you awake.  This did not make you happy.  You waved a fist as a warning that this needed to stop (I do the same thing to The Harassers).  But she wouldn't give up.  Finally, you started to wake up and you kicked your legs (probably stomping your feet in protest, like I do) and started stirring about in there.  The tech was able to get most of the measurements, but then, just to show her who was boss, you started doing flips.  I think you did this on purpose because she had to just sit there and wait for you to get through with your Fetal Summer Olympic Games.  She woke you up, but you showed her, Baby Holler.  You totally showed her.

Now in the middle of all this, I saw something that I've read about on the internet....It's called the Nub Theory.  Basically, all little babies your size have a nub at the time of their 12 week scan.  It's the "parts" growing into what they're going to be- either boy or girl.  They actually look similar at just 12 weeks, but the difference is that for a girl, the nub is straight and parallel to the spine.  For a boy, the nub points up...Usually about 30 degrees from the spine.  I have had a "feeling" from the beginning that you were a boy.  If I'm wrong, then I apologize.  But I saw a nub pointing up clear as day on the ultrasound screen, and when I asked the tech about it, she saw it too, and said that while you DO appear to be a boy based on that, she couldn't get your nub to show up from another angle to be 100% sure, so she told me not to go shopping, although she said you are probably a boy.

Just to note, I totally went shopping.  I got you tons of crazy cute newborn clothes.  I had to celebrate!  I also found out that at 12 weeks, the chance of losing you goes down to less than 1%.  Which is as low as it's going to get in pregnancy.  So that, combined with a great NT scan, combined with a high probability that you're a little dude - I just couldn't help myself!

Here's your nub shot that got me so excited, and a shot of the profile of your little face!  And also the most adorable onesie that I have ever seen in my life.  I had to buy it because I thought it represented you well, because yesterday, you were crabby:)

 In other news, Daddy comes home next week!  And we hit 13 weeks- 2nd Trimester!  Whoop Whoop!

Sweet dreams, little guy!



Thursday, May 17, 2012

Countdown to Trimester 2!

Dear Baby Holler,

Well, tomorrow you and I are hitting 11 weeks together.  I'm pretty impressed with us.  I actually get choked up thinking about how far we've come.  I have worried about you, about everything about you, since the day I found out I was pregnant.  You've definitely scared me a couple of times - trying to keep me on my toes, but you were always fine.  Perfect, actually. 

T minus 2 weeks until you and I cross the finish line in the First Trimester.  That's when we're in the "safe zone," kiddo.  I can't wait to be there with you.  I can almost touch it, it's so close....

The best part is that Daddy comes home right when Trimester 2 starts.  So we'll all get to begin the best part of pregnancy together.  We'll get to breathe a huge sigh of relief together.  And we'll all get to celebrate by eating our wedding cake in the freezer together.

In the meantime, you are making your presence known, and I love it:)

Here you are...My little stowaway at 10w6d/11w.

Can't wait to see you in 7 days!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You Are Entertaining!

Dear Baby Holler,

Grandma wanted to see you so we went and had ANOTHER ultrasound to check on what you're up to.  I warned her that you are pretty busy tinkering around in there, amusing yourself.  You are already a ham. 

As soon as the ultrasound tech got you up on the screen, she measured your heartbeat and it was 180 so I knew you were super hyper in there.  You are so big now!  And because you're always moving around, it was hard to get all of you on the screen at one time for a photo!  You were waving your arms around, and as the ultrasound tech pointed out that you have 10 fingers on your hands now, I watched a fully-formed leg come out of nowhere on the screen, you showed us your big strong kick!

You were so busy in there that we didn't get a ton of great photos (that's fine, I'm just happy that you're so happy in there), but we did get a glimpse of how funny you are already...You Tebowed for us!

Your Daddy was pretty impressed that his 24-7 monitoring of ESPN is getting through to you in there!  He was proud of you! 

The next ultrasound to see you is next Thursday, May 24th.  Then on Friday, May 25th, we'll have your NT scan.  I'm pretty excited to get to see you again already!!!  I'll be 12 weeks with you on the day of your NT scan.  And when Daddy gets home, I'll be right at 13 weeks so we are celebrating making it to the 2nd trimester with you!  And before Daddy leaves to go back to work, when we hit the 15 week mark with you, we're going to get ANOTHER ultrasound to find out if you're a boy or a girl! 

Stay busy in there!  We love you!


Monday, May 7, 2012

You Like Funny Foods!

Dear Baby Holler,

Before I was pregnant with you, I didn't have a very creative diet.  It mostly consisted of healthy stuff like salads if I went out to eat at a restaurant, and your Daddy and I like to grill fish or meat and make yummy vegetables as sides.  It was limited.  But it was what I liked, so it worked.

You, on the other hand, make me crave things that I have never thought twice about in my whole entire life.  It's nothing crazy.  But it's so weird that I have looked at a million menus in my life and never had the desire to order some of the things that you make me absolutely salivate for.  Oh yes. You know what I'm talking about - the latest oddity...The Club Sandwich.

Pregnant ladies are not supposed to eat deli meat that isn't heated up to at least 200 degrees in order to protect us against listeria.  I don't know if reading this over and over just gave you a hankering for a Club Sandwich, but I have wanted Club Sandwiches all day.  Every day.  If anyone tries to get in the way of me and a Club Sandwich (your Daddy), then lives are definitely at stake.

So I am getting excited about dinner.  Because yes - I'm making you a Club Sandwich.  I think I have the perfect concoction, and I really just couldn't be more excited about it.  Toasted wheat bread, heated turkey meat with cheese melted on it, avocado, turkey bacon, shredded lettuce, tomato, fat free mayo, and mustard.  With a HUGE glass of organic skim milk (per your demand).  I'm just all about it!

And finally, what you DON'T want me to eat is pretty funny too.  All of the veggies that Daddy and I made before - asparagus, broccoli, anything green really - I am repulsed by.  I want nothing to do with them.  Even edamame.  So gross.  You are just not having any of it, and I find that humorous:)

Whatever it takes to keep you healthy and make you big and strong:)  I'll keep the Club Sandwiches coming!


We Hear You In There!!!

Dear Baby Holler,

We got pretty spoiled with frequent ultrasounds early on, and now there is a major lull in activity since our next ultrasound to see you again isn't until May 24th.  Since you are a little baby and can't tell time, I will just tell you that to your anxious mother - that is a LONG long time away!  So to hold me over, I bought an at-home Doppler machine, which lets me hear your heartbeat inside of my tummy.  Your Daddy was not thrilled with this idea initially.  He didn't want me to become obsessed.  Too bad I'm already obsessed with you in general, and the Doppler wasn't going to make me any more obsessed with you.  I'm maxed out!  So I ordered the Doppler, and to hear your heartbeat is just AMAZING! 

Your grumpy Daddy who didn't want me to have it had the most RIDICULOUS grin on his face when he heard you in there!  I'm pretty sure he's Pro-Doppler now...You sound so strong - your little heartbeat is thumping so fast:)  I even got to record it and send it to your grandparents!  Grandma Holler called me after she heard you, and I could tell it made her day!  She was so happy that she got to hear you, and she couldn't believe how loud and strong your heartbeat was! 

I have checked on you a few times since then.  I think you are squirming around in there, because even though I hear you, I can't hear you for very long.  That's fine.  I'm sure you're busy and I know you have a lot going on.  As long as I can catch you here and there and hear you say "Hi, Mom!" then I'm okay.

Just keep growing big and strong, okay?  I want you to be HUGE and healthy on May 24th!!!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Watching You Grow!

Dear Baby Holler,

We've seen you on ultrasound three times now, and you have grown so much!  It's fun to see how much bigger you are at each appointment.

The first time I saw you, Daddy was away at work.  You gave me a terrible scare the night before, and I was absolutely terrified that something had happened to you.  Terrified.  But within seconds of the ultrasound tech doing her thing, you popped up and she told me that she could see your heartbeat.  You were just a little bitty thing then...


Then your Daddy came home, and we got to see you at our regularly scheduled appointment, and we were so excited to see you were still in there, doing well!  He got to see you for the first time, so it was really special!  And even though it hadn't even been a week, you grew so much!  You even measured a couple of days ahead!


A few days later, we went back for a third ultrasound, and you measured right on track - still doing great!  We learned that you had been pretty busy in there...You grew hands!


Our next appointment isn't until May 24th....I am sure that you will blow me away with how much you've grown and I can't wait to see you again!  But in the meantime, because I miss checking on you, I bought a little something to make sure you're okay in there until I can see you again:)  More to come...
