Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Friday Surprise!!! The Hurricane is Bringing Daddy Home Early!

Dear Baby Holler,

Daddy's on his way home!  He wasn't supposed to come home until late Monday night, and you and I have to be in Orlando on Tuesday for work, so we weren't going to see him until Tuesday night.  But today, he texted me and gave me the best Friday surprise ever when he told me that he'll fly home tomorrow to get ahead of the bad weather!  I am jumping for joy!  I've never been so grateful for a hurricane!

Typically, when Daddy is about to come home, I clean the house and buy tons of groceries, and just all around try to make everything perfect and tip-top for him.  This surprise return means that you and I have a lot to do between now and 3:30 tomorrow!  My nails are a mess, there's a TON of laundry we've been ignoring, and there are zero groceries in our fridge. 

So you and I need to get crackin' and get ourselves and the house in order!

Woohoo!  At this time tomorrow, we'll be a complete family again!

Sleep tight in there, Baby Girl....Tomorrow is a big day!!!


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